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Absorbed fraction

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Created page with "100px|frameless|right|link=ICRP Glossary Absorbed fraction (AF),ϕ(r<sub>T</sub>←r<sub>s</sub>,E<sub>R,i</sub>) is Fraction of energy E<sub>R,..."
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Absorbed fraction (AF),ϕ(r<sub>T</sub>←r<sub>s</sub>,E<sub>R,i</sub>) is

Fraction of energy E<sub>R,i</sub> of the i<sup>th</sup> radiation of type R emitted within the [[source region]] r<sub>S</sub> that is absorbed in the [[target region]] r<sub>T</sub>. These target regions may be tissues (e.g. liver) or may be cell layers within organs (e.g. stem cells of the stomach wall).

(Adopted from [[ICRP Publication 133]], 2016)

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