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Quality factor

735 bytes added, 19:07, 18 August 2021
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== Previous glossary entries ==
=== from [[ICRP Publication 131103]], 2015 2007 === The factor characterising the biological effectiveness of a radiation, based on the ionisation density along the tracks of charged particles in tissue. Q is defined as a function of the unrestricted linear energy transfer, <math>L_\infty</math> (often denoted as <math>L</math> or LET), of charged particles in water: <math>Q(L) = \begin{cases}1, & \text{if } L < \text{10 keV/μm} \\0.32L - 2.2, & \text{if 10} \le L \le \text{100 keV/μm} \\300/\sqrt{L}, & \text {if } L > \text{100 keV/μm}\end{cases}</math> <math>Q</math> has been superseded by the [[radiation weighting factor]] in the definition of [[equivalent dose]], but it is still used in calculating the operational dose equivalent quantities used in monitoring.