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the effective dose is calculated as:
where <math>H_T^M</math> and <math>H_F^M</math> are the equivalent doses to the tissues or organs <math>r_T</math> of the Reference Adult Male and the Reference Adult Female, respectively and <math>w_T</math> is the tissue weighting factor for target tissue T, with
<math>\sum\limits_T w_T = 1</math>.
Effective dose is a weighted average of equivalent doses to organs/tissues. The averaging is performed over all organs and tissues of the human body for which radiation detriment can be quantified and for which <math>w_T</math> values are assigned. As <math>w_R</math> and <math>w_T</math> are dimensionless, the SI unit for effective dose is the same as for absorbed dose J kg<mathsup>J kg^(-1)</mathsup> and its special name is [[sievert]] (Sv).