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ICRP Glossary

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[[File:Glossary Header-left2.png|800px|frameless|none|link=ICRP Glossary]]
<big><center> The ICRP Glossary collects ICRP’s definitive explanations of terms for current use. Some entries include historical descriptions to help readers better understand the term in a particular context. It is a living document, updated regularly.  Many ICRP publications feature their own glossaries including, for example, highly specialized terms relevant to that specific publication or helpful for a reader to have close at hand, or when introducing new terms to be added to the ICRP Glossary. Although the ICRP Glossary is not a dictionary, terms already well covered in the Oxford English Dictionary are not included here unless further explanation is needed to understand the way in which these terms are used in [[ICRP publications]]. ----
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| [[#09|0-9]] || [[#A|A]] || [[#B|B]] || [[#C|C]]|| [[#D|D]] || [[#E|E]] || [[#F|F]] || [[#G|G]] || [[#H|H]] || [[#I|I]] || [[#J|J]] || [[#K|K]] || [[#L|L]] || [[#M|M]] ||[[#N|N]] || [[#O|O]] || [[#P|P]] || [[#Q|Q]] || [[#R|R]] || [[#S|S]] || [[#T|T]] || [[#U|U]] || [[#V|V]] || [[#W|W]] || [[#X|X]] || [[#Y|Y]] || [[#Z|Z]] || [[#ZZ|...]]
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=== <big><span id="09">0-9</span></big> ===
*4DCT (see [[Time-resolved computed tomography]])
=== <big><span id="A">A</span></big> ===
* [[Absorption TypeAbsolute risk]]
* [[Accelerated fractionationAbsorbed dose]], D
* [[Acceptance testAbsorbed fraction]]
* [[Access ControlAbsorption]]
*[[Accelerated fractionation]] *[[Acceptance test]] *[[Access control]] * [[Accountability]] *[[Accreditation]]
*[[Action Level]]
*[[Active detection system]]
*[[Active (red) bone marrow]]
*[[Activity]] *[[Activity median thermodynamic diameter ]] *[[Acute exposure]] *Acute radiation sickness (see [[Acute radiation syndrome]]) *[[Acute radiation syndrome]]
*[[Acute ExposureAdditional dose]] *[[Adaptive response]] *[[Additive risk projection model]] *[[Adenoma]]
*[[Adventitious Sourcesource]]
*[[Aerodynamic diameter ]]
*[[Air sampling-kerma rate constant]]
*[[Air-kerma rate constant at the patient entrance reference point]]
*[[Air-kerma, entrance surface]]
*[[Air-kerma, product]]
*ALI (see [[Annual limit on intake]])
*[[Alimentary tract]]
*[[Alimentary tract transfer factor]]
*[[Alpha decay]]
*[[Alveolar-interstitial region]]
*AMAD (see [[Activity median aerodynamic diameter]])
*[[Ambient dose equivalent]], H*(10)
*[[Annual dose]]
*[[Annual intake]]
*[[Annual limit on intake]]
*[[Area monitoring]]
*ARS (see [[Acute radiation syndrome]])
*[[Attributable risk]]
*[[Auger transition]]
*[[Authorised Dischargedischarge]]
*[[Autoimmune disease]]
*[[Automatic exposure control]]
*[[Averted dose]]
*[[Background dose (rate)]]
*[[Backscatter Factor detection system]] *[[Backscatter factor]]
*[[Basal cell]]
*[[Baseline disease rates]]
*BAT (see [[Best available techniques]])
*Bcr/abl (see [[Breakpoint cluster region/abelson]])
*[[Best Available Techniquesavailable techniques]]
*[[Beta-minus decay]]
*[[Bioassay function]] *[[Biokinetic modelBiological half-life]]
*[[Biological dosimetryBiomarker]]
*[[Biomedical research volunteer]]
*[[Branching fraction]]
*[[Bragg peak]]
*[[Breakpoint cluster region/abelson]]
*[[Broad beam therapy irradiation technique]]
*[[Bronchial region]]
*[[Bronchiolar region]]
*[[Bystander effect]]
=== <big><span id="C">C</span></big> ===
*CACA (see [[CalibrationCobblestone area forming cell assay]]) *CAFC (see [[Cobblestone area forming cell assay]]) *CBCT (see [[Cone beam computed tomography]])
*[[Cardiac arrhythmias]]
*[[Categories of exposureCarers and comforters]]
*[[Category of exposed individualCase–control study]]
*[[Cell death]]
*[[Chromosome dosimetryCharged-particle equilibrium]]
*[[Chronic exposure]]
*[[Class SR-2 gases]]
*[[Clearance level]]
*[[Clinical audit]]
*[[Clonogenic cells]]
*[[Clonogenic survival]]
*[[Clonogenic surviving fraction]]
*Cobblestone area cell assay (see [[Cobblestone area forming cell assay]])
*[[Cobblestone area forming cell assay]]
*[[Collective dose]]
*[[Cohort study]]
*[[Collective dose]]
*[[Collective effective dose]]
*[[Committed effective dose]]
*[[CommodityCommitted equivalent dose]] *[[Compartment]] *[[Compartment (environmental)]]
*[[Complex tissues]]
*[[Computed tomography dose index]]
*[[Conditional renewing (complex or flexible) tissues]] *[[Confidence limitsConcentration ratio]]
*[[ConfinementCone beam computed tomography]]
*[[Connective tissue]]
*[[Constancy test]]
*[[Consumer productContainment]]
*[[Control measuresCoronary heart disease]]
*[[Coronary heart disease/congestive heart disease]] *[[Cortical (bone) marrowCosmic radiation]]
*[[Cost-benefit analysis]]
*[[Coster-Kronig transition]]
*CR (see [[Critical groupConcentration ratio]]) *[[Cross section]] *Cumulative air kerma (see [[Air kerma at the patient entrance reference point]]) *[[Cumulative dose]]
=== <big><span id="D">D</span></big> ===
*DAC (see [[D0Derived air concentration]]) *DBT (see [[Digital breast tomosynthesis]]) *DCRL (see [[Derived consideration reference level]]) *DD (see [[Doubling dose]]) *DDI, detector dose indicator (see [[Exposure index]]) *DIL (see [[Derived investigation level]]) *DDREF (see [[Dose and dose-rate effectiveness factor]])
*[[Decay constant]]
*[[Decision threshold]]
*[[Decontamination factor]]
*[[Defence-in-depthDental and maxillofacial imaging]]
*[[Deontological Ethics]]
*[[Deposition]] (inhalation)
*[[Derived air concentration]]
*[[Derived consideration reference level]]
*[[Derived investigation level]]
*[[Derived limit]]
*[[Derived reference level]]
*[[Designated area]]
*Detector dose indicator (see [[Exposure index]])
*[[Detector quantum efficiency]]
*[[Deterministic effect]]
*[[Detriment-adjusted risk]]
*[[Diagnostic reference level]]
*[[Dicentric chromosome]]
*[[Digital breast tomosynthesis]]
*[[Direct bioassay]]
*[[Directional dose equivalent]] H’(d,Ω)
*[[Disposal Facilityfacility]] *[[Distribution coefficient]] (''K<sub>d</sub>'') *DLP (see [[Dose-length product]])
*[[DNA damage signalling]]
*[[Dose assessment/estimation]] (of ionising radiation) *[[Dose and dose-rate effectiveness factor]] *[[Dose coefficient]] *[[Dose commitment]]
*[[Dose constraint]]
*[[Dose conversion coefficient]]
*[[Dose conversion convention]]
*[[Dose conversion factor]]
*[[Dose criteria]]
*[[Dose equivalent ]] in an organ or tissue]]
*[[Dose limit]]
*[[Dose Modifying Factormodifying factor]]
*[[Dose of record (E)]] *[[Dose of record Hp (10)]] *[[Dose per content function]] *[[Dose per unit intakecoefficient]]
*[[Dose rate]]
*[[Dose rate effectiveness factor]]
*[[Dosemeter/dosimeterDose-length product]] *[[Dose-threshold hypothesis]]
*[[Dose-rate effect]]
*[[Dose–response Dose-response function ]]
*[[DosimetristsDoubling dose]] *DQE (see [[Detector quantum efficiency]]) *DRL (see [[Diagnostic reference level]]) *[[DRL process]] *[[DRL quantity]]
*[[DysrhythmiaDRL value]] *[[DS02]] *[[DS86]]
=== <big><span id="E">E</span></big> ===
*EAR (see [[Excess absolute risk]])
*[[Early normal tissue responses]]
*[[Effect Dose 50 ]]
*[[Effect modifier]]
*[[Effective charge number]]
*[[Effective dose]], E
*[[Effective dose equivalent]]
*[[Effective half-life]]
*EI (see [[Exposure index]])
*[[Electron-capture decay]]
*[[Elemental dose]]
*ELR (i.e. Excess Lifetime Risk, see [[Lifetime risk estimates]])
*[[Emergency procedures]]
*[[Emergency WorkerEmployer]]
*[[Endogeneous excretion]]
*Endosteal tissue (see [[Entrance surface doseEndosteum]])
*[[Environmental (radiation) monitoringEndosteum]]
*[[Environmental exposure]]
*[[Environmental radiation protection]]
*[[Epigenetic effects]]
*[[Equieffective dose]]
*[[Equilibrium equivalent concentration]]
*[[Equilibrium factor]]
*[[Equivalent dose]]
*ERR (see [[Excess relative risk]])
*[[Event tree analysisEvacuation]]
*[[Excretion functionExcess absolute risk]]
*Excess lifetime risk (see [[Lifetime risk estimates]]) *[[Excess relative risk]] *[[Excretion rate(instantaneous)]] *[[Exclusion]]
*[[Exempt waste]]
*[[Existing exposure situation]]
*[[Exogenous excretion]]
*[[Expanded and aligned radiation field]]
*[[Expanded radiation field]]
*[[Exponential survival curve]]
*[[ExposureExposed individuals]]
*[[Exposure assessment, external or internal]]
*[[Exposure Pathway(in the context of inhalation)]]
*[[Exposure situationindex]]
*[[External radiationExposure pathway]]
*[[Extrapolation numberExposure situation]]
*[[Extrathoracic airways]]
*[[Extremity dosemeter]]
=== <big><span id="F">F</span></big> ===
*[[Fault tree analysis]]
*[[Field-size effect (Volume effect)]]
*[[Fixed (surface) contaminationFlexible tissues]]
*[[Flexible tissuesFluence]], Φ
*[[Fluoroscopically guided interventions]]
*[[Fluoroscopically or computed tomography guided interventions]]
*[[Fractional absorption in the gastrointestinal tract]], f<sub>1</sub>
*[[Fractionation and dose delivery patterns]]
*[[Fractionation sensitivity]]
*[[Frequent flyer]]
*FSU (see [[Functional subunits]])
*[[Functional subunits]]
=== <big><span id="G">G</span></big> ===
*[[Gamma ray]]
*[[Gastrointestinal syndromeGastrulation]] *[[Gastroschisis]] *[[GATA binding protein 2]] *GATA-2 (see [[GATA binding protein 2]]) *[[Genomic integrity]]
*Geomagnetic cut-off rigidity (see [[Geochemical phase associationRigidity threshold]])
*[[Graded approach]]
*[[Graft vs host disease]]
*[[Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor]]
*[[Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor]]
*[[Gray]] (Gy)
*[[Ground-level enhancement]]
*[[Growth factor]]
*[[Growth fraction]]
*[[Half-life, physical]]
*HATM (see [[Human Alimentary Tract Model]])
*[[Hereditary effect]]
*[[Hierarchical tissues]]
*[[High level waste]]
*[[High linear energy transfer radiation]]
*[[Homologous recombination]]
*[[Hounsfield unit]] *HRTM (see [[Human Respiratory Tract Model]]) *[[Human Alimentary Tract Model]] *[[Human Respiratory Tract Model ]]
*[[Hyperbaric oxygen]]
*[[Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy]]
=== <big><span id="I">I</span></big> ===
*[[ICRU 4-element tissue]]
*[[ICRU sphere]]
*[[Immune system]]
*IMRT (see [[In vivo measurementIntensity-modulated radiotherapy]])
*[[Inactive In vivo radiobioassay]] *[[Incidence]] *Incidence rate (bone) marrowsee [[Incidence]])
*[[Individual decontamination]]
*[[Individual dose]]
*[[Individual dose equivalent]]
*[[Individual dose restriction]]
*[[Individual monitoring]]
*[[Individual-relatedInduced genomic instability]]
*[[Individual-related assessmentInformed consent]]
*[[Informed ConsentInhalability]]
*[[Ingestion exposure planning zoneInner bremsstrahlung]]
*[[InhalabilityInstitutional control]]
*[[Inhalation classIntervention]]
*[[Initial slopeIntensity-modulated radiotherapy]]
*[[Inner bremsstrahlung]] *[[Institutional controlIntake]]
*[[Intermediate level waste]]
*[[Investigation level]]
*[[Iodine prophylaxis]]
*[[Iso-effect plots]]
*[[Isomeric transition decay]]
*[[Isotropic geometry]]
*[[Itinerant (radiation) worker]]
=== <big><span id="K">K</span></big> ===
*[[Kerma]], K
*[[Kerma approximation]]
*[[Kp index]]
*[[Kerma-area product]]
=== <big><span id="L">L</span></big> ===
*[[Late effect/delayed effectnormal tissue responses]]
*[[Latent time/period or latency interval]]
*[[Legal personLD 50/30|LD<sub>50/30</sub>]]
*LET (see [[LegislatorsLinear energy transfer]])
*[[LimitLicensee]] *[[Life Span Study]] *[[Lifetime risk]] *[[Lifetime risk estimates]]
*[[Limitation of dose]]
*[[Lineal energy]]
*[[Linear no-threshold hypothesisdose response]] *[[Linear energy transfer]]
*[[Linear-non-threshold model]]
*[[Linear-quadratic dose response model]]
*LLE (see [[Lifetime risk estimates]])
*[[Local DRL]]
*Loss of Life Expectancy (see [[Lifetime risk estimates]])
*[[Low Earth orbit]]
*[[Low dose]]
*[[Low dose rate]]
*[[Low level waste]]
*[[Low toxicity alpha emitterlinear energy transfer radiation]]
*LSS (see [[Lung absorption typeLife Span Study]])
*[[Lymphatic system]]
=== <big><span id="M">M</span></big> ===
*[[Macrophage colony stimulating factor]]
*[[Marrow cellularity]]
*[[Mass median diameter]]
*MDCT (see [[Multi-detector computed tomography]])
*[[Mean glandular dose]]
*[[Measured quantity]]
*[[Medical exposure]]
*[[Medical intervention]]
*[[Member of the public]]
*[[Mendelian diseases]]
*[[Minimum significant activityMitigation]] *MMD (see [[Mass median diameter]]) *[[Molecular imaging]] *[[Multifactorial diseases]]
*[[MitigationMultiplicative risk projection model]]
*[[MonitoringMultistage carcinogenesis model]]
*[[Multistage tumorigenesis]]
*[[Multitarget equation]]
*[[Multi-detector computed tomography]]
*[[Mutation component]]
*[[Myocardial perfusion]]
*[[Myocardial stress test]]
=== <big><span id="N">N</span></big> ===
*[[National radon survey]]
*[[Nasal Augmenter]] *[[Natural background]] *[[Natural environmentNational DRL]]
*[[Naturally occurring radioactive material]]
*[[Neurovascular syndrome]]
*NHEJ (see [[Non-homologous end joining]])
*[[Noise]] (in imaging)
*[[Nominal value]]
*[[Nominal risk coefficient]]
*[[Non-homologous end joining]]
*[[Non-sphericity parameter]]
*[[Non-targeted effects]]
*[[Normal tissue complication probability]]
*[[Notification value]] (in CT)
*[[Nuclear medicine]]
*[[Nuclear track detectors]]
*[[Nuclear transformation]]=== <big><span id="O">O</span></big> ===
=== <big><span id="O">O</span></big> ===*OAR (see [[Organ at risk]])
*[[Occupancy factor]]
*[[Occupational exposure]]
*OEA (see [[Occupationally exposed workerOxygen enhancement ratio]])
*[[Operational intervention levelOncogene]]
*[[Operational monitoringOperating management]]
*[[Optically stimulated luminescence dosimetersOperational quantity]]
*[[Optimisation of protection]]
*Organ absorbed dose (see [[Organ/tissue absorbed dose]])
*[[Organ at risk]]
*[[Organ dose equivalent]]
*[[Organ/tissue absorbed dose]]
*[[Other (systemic) tissues]]
*[[Orphan source]]
*[[Oxygen enhancement ratio]]
=== <big><span id="P">P</span></big> ===
*Particle fluence (see [[Fluence]])
*[[Particle transport]] (in biokinetics)
*[[Particle radiance]]
*[[Patient entrance reference point]]
*[[Pencil beam]]
*[[Percutaneous coronary intervention]]
*[[Personal air samplingdose equivalent]], H<sub>p</sub>(d)
*[[Personal/Individual MonitoringPhantom]]
*[[Planned exposure situation]]
*[[Platelet-derived growth factor]]
*PLDR (see [[Poisson distributionPotentially lethal damage repair]]) *[[Pooled analysis]] *[[Population risk]] *[[Potential alpha energy concentration]]
*[[Potential exposure]]
*[[Potential recoverability correction factor]]
*[[Potentially lethal damage repair]]
*[[Practical radiological protection culture]]
*[[Precautionary principlePractice]]
*PRCF (see [[Precautionary principlePotential recoverability correction factor]])
*[[Prevailing circumstances]]
*[[Primary limit]]
*[[Primordial radionuclides]]
*[[Principle of application of dose limits]]
*[[Principle of optimisation]]
*[[Principles of protection]]
*[[Procedural values]]
*[[Progenitor cell]]
*[[Programmed cell death]]
*[[Projected dose]]
*[[Prophylaxis]] *[[Prospective dose assessmentProtection quantities]]
*[[Protection strategy]]
*[[Protective action guide]]
*[[Protective clothing]]
=== <big><span id="Q">Q</span></big> ===
*[[Qualified expert]]
=== <big><span id="R">R</span></big> ===*[[Quality control testing]] (x-ray equipment)
*[[RadQuality factor]], Q(L)
*[[Radiation beltQuasi-threshold dose]]
*[[Radiation detriment]]=== <big><span id="R">R</span></big> ===
*[[Radiation dosebelt]]
*Radiation detriment (see [[Radiation levelDetriment]])
*[[Radiation modifier]]
*[[Radiation protection programmerisk]]
*[[Radiation safety officer]]
*[[Radiation Sourcesource]] *[[Radiation weighting factor]], w<sub>R</sub> *[[Radiation-induced second cancer]] *[[Radiation-induced secondary malignancy]]
*[[Radiation worker]]
*[[Radioactive contamination]]
*[[Radioactive dispersion device]]
*[[Radioactive substance]]
*[[Radioactive waste]]
*[[Radiological Controlled Areaattack]]
*[[Radiological practice in medicinecontrolled area]]
*[[Radiological protection principles]]
*[[Radiological survey]]
*[[Radionuclides of natural origin]]
*[[Radiosensitivity, cellular]]
*[[Radonprogeny]] *[[Radon-prone area]] *RAP (see [[Reference Animal and Plant]]) *[[Ras]] *[[Rb]]
*RBE (see [[Random errorRelative biological effectiveness]]) *[[Reactive oxygen species]]
*[[Recording level]]
*[[Recovery responder]]
*[[Red Recovery (bonecellular or tissue) marrow]] *[[Redox]] *[[Reference air kerma]] *[[Reference Animal and Plant]] *[[Reference bioassay function]] *[[Reference biokinetic model]] *[[Referrer]] *Reference female (see [[Reference Person]]) *[[Reference individual]]
*[[Reference level]]
*Reference male (see [[Reference ManPerson]])
*[[RegulationReference parameter value]]
*[[RegulatorReference Person]]
*[[RehabilitationReference phantom]] *[[Reference value]] *[[Reference worker]] *[[Region]] *[[Regional diagnostic reference levels]] *[[Registry]] *REID (see [[Lifetime risk estimates]]) *[[Rigidity threshold]]
*[[Rehabilitation of living conditions]]
*[[Relative biological effectiveness]]
*[[Relative life lost]]
*[[Relative risk]]
*[[Relative survival]]
*[[Remedial action]]
*[[Respiratory protection]]
*Response function (see [[Retention Dose-response function]])
*[[Retrospective dose assessment]]
*[[Ring chromosome]] *[[Risk]] *[[Risk coefficient]] *[[Risk model]] *RISM (see [[Radiation-induced secondary malignancy]]) *Risk constraintof exposure-induced death (see (see [[Lifetime risk estimates]])
*ROS (see [[RoentgenReactive oxygen species]])
*[[Routine monitoring]]
*RR (see [[Relative risk]])
=== <big><span id="S">S</span></big> ===
*[[Safety analysisS coefficient (radiation weighted)]] *SAF (see [[Specific absorbed fraction]])
*[[Safety case]]
*[[Safety culture]]
*[[Sealed source]]
*[[Secondary radiation]]
*[[Secretory cells]]
*[[Security screening]]
*SEE (see [[Specific effective energy]]]
*[[Self-help protection]]
*[[SemelparousSenescence]] *[[Severe deterministic injury]] *[[Sheltering]] *[[Shielding]]
*[[SenescenceSievert]](Sv) *[[Size-specific dose estimate]] *SLDR (see [[Sublethal damage repair]])
*[[Sensitivity analysisSlice]](in CT & CBCT)
*[[Slow repair]]
*SOBP (see [[Soft tissueSpread-out Bragg peak]])
*[[Solar cosmic radiation]]
*[[Solar cycle]]
*[[Solar flare]]
*[[Solar particle event]]
*[[Solar wind]]
*[[Somatic effect]] *Source monitoring(see [[Radiation source]]) *[[Source region]]
*[[Source term]]
*[[Source-related assessment]]
*[[South Atlantic anomaly]]
*[[Special (non-routine) monitoring]]
*[[SpeciesSpecific absorbed fraction]] *[[Specific effective energy]]
*[[Specific activitySpongiosa]]
*[[Spontaneous fission]]
*[[Spread-out Bragg peak]]
*[[Standard-size adult]]
*[[Stem cell]]
*[[Stochastic effect]]
*[[Stress testSubcutaneous tissue]]
*[[Stroke]] *[[Subcutaneous tissueSublethal damage repair]]
*[[Substantial radiation dose level]]
*[[Supervised AreaSuperposition principle]](in dosimetry)
*[[SyndromeSupervised area]]
*[[System of radiological protectionSurface contamination]]
*[[Systemic model]]
=== <big><span id="T">T</span></big> ===
*[[Target cellregion]]
*[[Target tissue]]
*[[Task-related monitoringTargeted effects]]
*[[Thermodynamic diameter]]
*[[Thermoluminescence detectorThoracic airways]] *[[Threshold dose for tissue reactions]] *[[Threshold level]]
*Tissue absorbed dose (see [[ThoronOrgan/tissue absorbed dose]])
*[[Threshold dose for tissue reactionsThoron progeny]]
*[[Thyroid blocking]]
*[[Time factor]]
*[[Time-resolved computed tomography]]
*[[Tissue equivalent material]]
*[[Tissue-rescuing unitreaction]] *[[Tissue weighting factor]]
*[[Total Tolerance dose]](in Radiotherapy)
*[[Trabecular (bone) marrowTrack structure]]
*[[Track structureTransfer compartment]]
*[[Transfer coefficientof risk]]
*[[Transfer compartmentrate]]
*[[Transforming growth factor]]
*[[Transit cellsTransgenerational effect]]
*[[TransitionTranslocation]] *[[Transmission detection system]]
*Transport of risk (see [[Transfer of risk]])
*[[Tumour suppressor gene]]
*[[Trapped particles]]
*[[Type F materials]] *[[Type M materialsTreatment preparation in radiotherapy]]
*[[Type of exposure situationsTrophic level]]
*[[Type S Types of materials]]
*[[Type V materialsTypical value]](for DRL)
=== <big><span id="U">U</span></big> ===
*[[Unattached fraction]]
*[[Unsealed source]]
*[[Upper reference levels]]
*[[Utilitarian ethics]]
=== <big><span id="V">V</span></big> ===
*[[Value judgement]]
*[[Virtue ethics]]
*[[Volume effectVoxel phantom]]
=== <big><span id="W">W</span></big> ===
*[[Waste disposal]]
*[[Weighted CTDIWaste management]] *[[Wisdom]] *WL (see [[Working level]]) *WLM (see [[Working level month]]) *[[Worker]] *[[Working level]]
*[[Whole body counterWorking level month]]
*w<sub>T</sub> (see [[WisdomTissue weighting factor]])
*w<sub>R</sub> (see [[Workers' health surveillanceRadiation weighting factor]])
=== <big><span id="X">X</span></big> ===
=== <big><span id="Y">Y</span></big> ===
=== <big><span id="Z">Z</span></big> === === <big><span id="ZZ">...</span></big> === *[[Yellow α/β value]] *α/β ratio (bonesee [[α/β value]]) marrow *[[γH2AX foci]]