Excess absolute risk
An expression of risk based on the assumption that the excess risk from radiation exposure adds to the underlying (baseline) risk by an increment dependent on dose but independent of the underlying natural or background risk. Excess absolute risk (EAR) is often expressed as the additive excess rate per Gy or per Sv.
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from ICRP Publication 131, 2015
The additional risk (or rate) from radiation exposure above the underlying (baseline) risk (or rate) of the disease. This is often expressed as EAR per Gy or per Sv.
from ICRP Publication 115, 2010
An expression of risk based on the assumption that the excess risk from radiation exposure adds to the underlying (baseline) risk by an increment dependent on dose but independent of the underlying natural or background risk. In this report, lifetime excess absolute risk of lung cancer is computed.
from ICRP Publication 103, 2007 & ICRP Publication 118, 2012
The rate of disease incidence or mortality in an exposed population minus the corresponding disease rate in an unexposed population. The excess absolute risk is often expressed as the additive excess rate per Gy or per Sv.