Exposure to Radon at Home

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It’s important to measure the radon in your home, and to take simple steps if you find that it is high.

Radon in homes originates from the soil and rock surrounding it, and sometimes from building materials.

Often, the pressure indoors is lower than the pressure in the soil, which naturally draws soil gas into the home.

Other factors influencing radon levels in the home include: the soil composition and radon concentration, the area of the building in contact with the ground, the air-tightness of the building, the floor level and size of rooms, and lifestyle choices like opening windows and doors.

Typical Radon Levels

Typically, the average radon concentration in outdoor air is around 10 Bq/m3, although it be as low as 1 Bq/m3 in some places and higher than 100 Bq/m3 in others.

Indoors, average radon concentrations are usually higher, averaging around 50 Bq/m3, with some places less than 10 Bq/m3 and others 10,000 Bq/m3 or more.

Governments usually set reference levels for indoor radon in the 100-300 Bq/m3 range

The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) is the leading international body on radiation levels and effects. Visit the UNSCEAR website or read the UNEP report on "Radiation Effects and Sources" based on UNSCEAR work to learn more

Quotes from ICRP Publications

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