All pages
- 1928 Recommendations
- 1931 Recommendations
- 1934 Recommendations
- 1937 Recommendations
- 1950 Recommendations
- 1954 Recommendations
- 1956 Recommendations
- 1959 Decisions
- AML/eto
- Absolute risk
- Absorbed, Equivalent, and Effective Dose
- Absorbed dose
- Absorbed fraction
- Absorption
- Absorption Type
- Accelerated fractionation
- Acceptance test
- Access control
- Accountability
- Accreditation
- Action Level
- Activation
- Active (red) bone marrow
- Active detection system
- Activity
- Activity median aerodynamic diameter
- Activity median thermodynamic diameter
- Acute exposure
- Acute radiation syndrome
- Adaptive response
- Additional dose
- Additive risk projection model
- Adenoma
- Adventitious
- Adventitious source
- Aerodynamic diameter
- Air-kerma, entrance surface
- Air-kerma, incident
- Air-kerma, product
- Air-kerma rate constant
- Air kerma at the patient entrance reference point
- Alimentary tract
- Alimentary tract transfer factor
- Allometry
- Alpha decay
- Alveolar-interstitial region
- Ambient dose equivalent
- Angiogenesis
- Annihilation photons
- Annual dose
- Annual intake
- Annual limit on intake
- Apoptosis
- Application of ionising radiation in healthcare
- Application of ionising radiation in healthcare (old)
- Area monitoring
- Attributable risk
- Auger transition
- Authorised discharge
- Authorization
- Authorized limit
- Autoimmune disease
- Automatic exposure control
- Autonomy
- Averted dose
- Background dose (rate)
- Backscatter detection system
- Backscatter factor
- Basal cell
- Baseline disease rates
- Beneficence
- Benthic
- Best available techniques
- Beta-minus decay
- Beta-plus decay
- Bioassay
- Biological half-life
- Biomarker
- Biomedical research volunteer
- Bioturbation
- Bone marrow
- Brachytherapy
- Bradycardia
- Bragg peak
- Branching fraction
- Breakpoint cluster region/abelson
- Broad beam therapy irradiation technique
- Bronchial region
- Bronchiolar region
- Bystander effect
- Calculating Doses from Intakes of Radionuclides
- Calculating Radon Doses
- Cardiac arrhythmias
- Cardiac valve diseases
- Cardiomyopathy
- Cardioverter-defibrillator
- Carers and comforters
- Case–control study
- Cell death
- Charged-particle equilibrium
- Chronic exposure
- Class SR-0 gases
- Class SR-1 gases
- Class SR-2 gases
- Clearance
- Clearance level
- Clinical audit
- Clonogenic cells
- Clonogenic survival
- Clonogenic surviving fraction
- Co-expertise
- Cobblestone area forming cell assay
- Cohort study
- Collective dose
- Collective effective dose
- Collimation
- Colony
- Commissioning
- Committed effective dose
- Committed equivalent dose
- Compartment
- Compartment (environmental)
- Complex tissues
- Computed tomography dose index
- Concentration ratio
- Cone beam computed tomography
- Connective tissue
- Consequential late effects
- Constancy test
- Containment
- Contamination
- Coronary heart disease
- Cosmic Radiation in Aviation
- Cosmic radiation
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Coster-Kronig transition
- Count median diameter
- Cross section
- Cumulative dose
- Curie
- Cytokines
- DNA damage signalling
- DRL process
- DRL quantity
- DRL value
- DS02
- DS86
- Decay constant
- Decommissioning
- Decontamination
- Decontamination factor
- Dental and maxillofacial imaging
- Deontological Ethics
- Deposition
- Derived air concentration
- Derived consideration reference level
- Derived investigation level
- Derived limit
- Derived reference level
- Designated area
- Detector quantum efficiency
- Deterministic effect
- Detriment
- Detriment-adjusted risk
- Diagnostic reference level
- Diastasis
- Dicentric chromosome
- Dichotomous
- Differentiation
- Digital breast tomosynthesis
- Dignity
- Direct bioassay
- Directional dose equivalent
- Disposal
- Disposal facility
- Distribution coefficient
- Dose
- Dose-length product
- Dose-rate effect
- Dose-response function
- Dose-threshold
- Dose-threshold hypothesis
- Dose and dose-rate effectiveness factor
- Dose coefficient
- Dose commitment
- Dose constraint
- Dose conversion coefficient
- Dose conversion convention
- Dose conversion factor
- Dose criteria
- Dose equivalent
- Dose limit
- Dose limits
- Dose modifying factor
- Dose of record (E)
- Dose of record Hp (10)
- Dose per content function
- Dose per unit intake coefficient
- Dose rate
- Dose rate effectiveness factor
- Doubling dose
- Early normal tissue responses
- Edema
- Effect Dose 50
- Effect modifier
- Effective charge number
- Effective dose
- Effective dose equivalent
- Effective half-life
- Effects of Exposure
- Electron-capture decay
- Electrophysiology
- Elemental dose
- Emergency
- Emergency exposure situation
- Emergency plan
- Emergency preparedness
- Emergency procedures
- Employer
- Endogeneous excretion
- Endosteum
- Environmental exposure
- Environmental radiation protection
- Epigenetic effects
- Epithelium
- Equieffective dose
- Equilibrium equivalent concentration
- Equilibrium factor
- Equity
- Equivalent dose
- Erythropoietin
- Ethics
- Evacuation
- Excess absolute risk
- Excess relative risk
- Exclusion
- Excretion rate (instantaneous)
- Exempt waste
- Exemption level
- Existing exposure situation
- Exogenous excretion
- Expanded and aligned radiation field
- Expanded radiation field
- Exponential survival curve
- Exposed individuals
- Exposure, external or internal
- Exposure (in the context of inhalation)
- Exposure Categories and Situations
- Exposure index
- Exposure pathway
- Exposure situation
- Exposure to Radon at Home
- Extrathoracic airways
- Fairness
- Field-size effect (Volume effect)
- Flexible tissues
- Fluence
- Fluoroscopically guided interventions
- Fluoroscopically or computed tomography guided interventions
- Forbiddenness
- Fractional absorption in the gastrointestinal tract
- Fractionation
- Fractionation and dose delivery patterns
- Fractionation sensitivity
- Frequent flyer
- Functional subunits
- Fundamental Principles of Radiological Protection
- GATA binding protein 2
- Galactic cosmic radiation
- Gamma ray
- Gastrointestinal syndrome
- Gastroschisis
- Gastrulation
- General Information: Radon
- General Information on Radon
- Genomic integrity
- Graded approach
- Graft vs host disease
- Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor
- Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
- Gray
- Ground-level enhancement
- Growth factor
- Growth fraction
- Growth hormone (somatotropin)
- Guide to Radiological Protection in Healthcare
- Guide to Radon
- Guide to the System of Radiological Protection
- Habitual mouth breather
- Habitual nose breather
- Half-life, physical
- Hazard
- Health Surveillance
- Heliosphere
- Hereditary effect
- Hierarchical tissues
- High level waste
- High linear energy transfer radiation
- Homologous recombination
- Hormones
- Hounsfield unit
- Human Alimentary Tract Model
- Human Respiratory Tract Model
- Hyperbaric oxygen
- Hyperfractionation
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Hypoplasia
- ICRP Glossary
- ICRP Publication 1
- ICRP Publication 10
- ICRP Publication 100
- ICRP Publication 101
- ICRP Publication 101a
- ICRP Publication 101b
- ICRP Publication 102
- ICRP Publication 103
- ICRP Publication 104
- ICRP Publication 105
- ICRP Publication 106
- ICRP Publication 107
- ICRP Publication 108
- ICRP Publication 109
- ICRP Publication 10A
- ICRP Publication 11
- ICRP Publication 110
- ICRP Publication 111
- ICRP Publication 112
- ICRP Publication 113
- ICRP Publication 114
- ICRP Publication 115
- ICRP Publication 116
- ICRP Publication 117
- ICRP Publication 118
- ICRP Publication 119
- ICRP Publication 12
- ICRP Publication 120
- ICRP Publication 121
- ICRP Publication 122
- ICRP Publication 123
- ICRP Publication 124
- ICRP Publication 125
- ICRP Publication 126
- ICRP Publication 127